Life Update + Our First House + TTC Journey

Hi friends! You have no idea how much I've been missing this lately! To be honest, our lives over the last several weeks have been nothing short of pure chaos. We've had so much going on in both of our lives that we've basically been just treading water trying to stay afloat. And thank God for marriage because I feel like we just go back and forth from being each other's life boat and without that I'm pretty sure we'd be sinking! In the last couple of weeks I've started a new job, we moved out of our apartment and back into our in-laws for a few weeks, we bought and moved into our first house- FINALLY, and we've had a lot of personal things going on that I just can't share on here but just know that our lives have been C R A Z Y!! 

Idk if any of ya'll can relate but it just seems like we're going through a season where when it rains it pours and we're trying our best to just take things one day at a time. It can be so overwhelming when you're going through a dark season and hard to not feel like it's never going to end. I was watching a video from our church the other day where a woman was sharing her story of going through very difficult times and she quoted a verse from the Bible that really resonated with me. "In this world you will have trouble but take heart, I have overcome the world." -John 16:33. This verse is just so powerful to me and has so much personal meaning. God didn't promise a world without struggle or darkness but he did overcome this world by sacrificing his only son so that we could be saved. Even in my darkest days, I know that his love conquered all and that I need not worry for he is and will always be with me. 

Although there have been storms recently there has also been incredible blessings. One of which is the purchase of our first home! This has been such a long time coming for us and something we've dreamt about and worked towards for the last two years. It was a rough process that at times felt hopeless but we stuck it out and never gave up hope! I'm so happy to say we found our first home and the place where so many memories will be created. I can't wait for all the meaningful conversations to take place around the dinner table, for the little day to day moments that seem meaningless but end up meaning everything, to watch our marriage grow and our love for each other deepen, and to bring home a precious little baby knowing then that my heart would be as full as it could ever be. All in God's time of course. 

Speaking of precious little babies, I thought I'd update you on our fertility journey. It's now been over a year since we first started "trying" and that was the same time I was diagnosed with PCOS. Since then, I've suffered through taking Metformin and have tried eliminating certain things from my diet. I have to be honest and admit that lately my diet has been slacking and I definitely need to get back into some sort of exercise routine. All way easier said than done. But I do feel like I've spent countless hours researching my condition and trying my best to do what I can to make this dream a reality. After the miscarriage in January, the yearning for this to happen only grew stronger. And although I've always wanted to do this as natural as possible, we've finally come to the decision that we are ready to take the next step. I'm going to be starting Clomid soon, which is one of the first steps for women struggling with infertility and reproductive conditions. I have to admit that I'm quite nervous to start and a little frustrated that I have to even do this at all. But anyone who finds themselves in this situation is on their own journey and has to make the decision thats right for them. And I've prayed a lot and truly feel in my heart that this is the next step for us. I wanted to share that with all of you who have been there with me through this journey! And if any of ya'll are the praying type, we'd love all the prayers and baby dust you want to send our way! 

Well, that is all my friends. Our life is crazy right now but I know it will get better. I'm ready to get back to blogging because I honestly love it and I've missed it so much. I will keep you all posted of course and I can't wait to share more on how we decorate our first home! 


Love ya'll,

-xoxo, M.