Made Ready.
Five simple words that would change the way I looked at my life and my circumstances. Words that resonated with me so deeply, I decided to get them tattooed on my wrist as a constant reminder of the value that they hold. I’ll never forget stumbling upon those words for the first time as I mindlessly scrolled through Instagram and came across this quote that was displayed at the Magnolia Market by Joanna Gaines. Reading those words stopped me right in my tracks. It was like time stood still and I felt like for the first time in a long time, everything made sense in this supernatural sort of way. The kind of way that can only be caused by the Holy Spirit, I presume. I have been made ready. He has made ME ready. Ready for this life- for MY life, for my ups and my downs, for the big and the small and for all the moments in between. I know that finding this simple but powerful statement was no coincidence, in fact, I believe that I was meant to see those words and come to understand exactly what they mean. Because you see- I was right in the middle of an infertility battle and I was on the losing end. I was wondering why me, why us, and feeling hopeless as days turned into months with negative test after negative test. Findings these words on that day, in that season, was fate and they struck me like a bolt of lightening. Because they are so much more than just words- they are the core of who I am and who I was created to be.
It really is a powerful notion- to think that that before I was even a thought in this world, the Lord had already made me uniquely ready and equipped with my specific set of talents and characteristics that he knew I would need for my life. Like how insanely incredible is that? I like to imagine that he could easily see the road map that would be my life and that he carefully and with much detail, hand-picked every trait and fiber of my being to be able to not just live my life but to thrive in it.
I’ve never felt more sure about the meaning behind being made ready than I do when I think about motherhood. Embarking on the motherhood journey is one of the hardest things that we as women experience but also the greatest joys of our lives. And for every woman stepping into her role as a mother, it will be different. No two babies are the same, every circumstance is unique, even how we get to becoming a mama looks differently for all of us but that’s how he intended it to be isn’t it? He has made ME ready for MY journey and YOU ready for YOURS.
Maybe your road to motherhood was an easy one but you faced challenges with your child that tested you beyond what you ever thought possible? Well breathe easy mama because he knows and he made you ready to handle all of it even if there are days that you feel like giving up. Maybe your journey to motherhood was an accidental one and it was never a part of YOUR plan? He knows and he made YOU ready to walk that road with strength and courage. Maybe you’re still walking that path desperate to get to the ending of your story- desperate to become a mama? Friend, he knows and he is walking with you and has made you ready for this journey. However you become a mama whether through birth, surrogacy, adoption- the Lord has made you ready for your journey, always with you, and equipping you with the exactly what you need along the way.
I don’t know about you but that brings me so much comfort and an overwhelming sense of peace. That even on the hardest of days where you ask yourself “why me” or feel like you aren’t measuring up to the mom you thought you would be- that you remember that God created you to be YOUR son’s mother, YOUR daughter’s mama. There is no one else in this world better suited for that than you. He chose you, he designed you- perfectly imperfect you- to be the one to grow, to nurture, to love and to teach your child that we have all been made ready.
Friends, mamas, mamas in waiting- I hope this finds you well. I hope you walk away with a sense of peace knowing that whatever season you’re in- that he is with you and he has made you ready for this season and the next one. I know that truly believing in this has changed my life and it’s my hope that it changes yours.
And believing in this does not mean that hard times will not happen or that being made ready makes us immune to the trials that this earthly life holds for us. But it does mean that we are no longer victims to our circumstances and that we can rise up knowing that we’ve been made for this.
-xoxo, M.